Eliminación del amoníaco del agua potable con AccuFAS
April 03, 2020Read on to learn how, utilizing its pilot reactor, Brentwood helped a mid-sized suburban community assess potential treatment of ammonia in the ...
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Cuándo y cómo utilizar el aislamiento de espuma en spray
24 de febrero de 2020Una de las formas más eficaces y eficientes de aislar una casa o un edificio es utilizar espuma aislante en spray. A menudo lo utilizan los propietarios de viviendas y ...
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Innovación en el relleno contra salpicaduras
12 de febrero de 2020Splash fills have been used in cooling towers for almost as long as cooling towers have existed. The original splash fill designs of simple wood ...
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Filtros de relleno por goteo: Una tecnología que sigue siendo muy relevante
January 06, 2020Trickling filters have been the workhorse of the biological wastewater treatment industry for over 100 years. Trickling filters have proven to ...
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No todas las rueda dentadas son iguales
December 09, 2019In rectangular clarifiers, straight-line sludge collector mechanisms have in-tank sprocket gears that are mounted on shafting to transmit torque ...
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Aumento del rendimiento gracias a ThermaCross
October 02, 2019In today’s cooling tower market, tower owners and operators are trying to get the most capacity out of their existing assets. There are many ...
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Relleno ShockWave diseñado para aplicaciones de la industria petroquímica
September 06, 2019The petroleum refinery process is both interesting and complex, combining numerous chemical processes to produce an array of products. Cooling ...
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Elegir el relleno adecuado en función de la calidad del agua
19 de agosto de 2019Brentwood often gets emails for a situation that goes something like, “Here is a report showing the water for my cooling tower. What fill should I ...
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