Incrustaciones en el relleno y su efecto en el rendimiento de la torre
September 05, 2017Just what are the effects of fouling on a fill, and what does it mean for overall tower performance? This is a question that Brentwood has been ...
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¿Afectan la geometría de la flauta y el modo de transferencia de calor (goteo frente a salpicadura) a la resistencia a las incrustaciones en los rellenos de las torres de refrigeración de "estructura metálica"?
10 de julio de 2017At the recently concluded 2017 CTI Annual Conference in New Orleans, Brentwood’s own Angela Zaorski and Bill Miller presented a paper regarding ...
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Relleno de torres de refrigeración: Comparación entre las láminas colgantes y los bloques de relleno
14 de junio de 2017We continuously receive calls from cooling tower owners describing the following: “I have a metal crossflow tower that has been operating for a few ...
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NSF/ANSI/CAN 61: Certificación frente a conformidad
18 de mayo de 2017Brentwood is committed to delivering high-quality products and services to our customers and the water industry. For this reason, we have invested, ...
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Relación entre el goteo en torres de refrigeración y las emisiones de PM10 y PM2,5
16 de mayo de 2017A topic that is attracting more and more attention in the cooling tower industry is PM10 and PM2.5 emissions. Reduced emissions to the environment ...
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CFUltra: Lideramos la industria de torres de refrigeración con un objetivo - reducir los niveles de goteo
24 de abril de 2017Welcome to our first vlog (video blog)! In this 2-minute video, you’ll get a quick education about how Brentwood’s all-new CFUltra counterflow ...
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¿Qué diferencia al módulo StormTank de otros "cajones"?
10 de abril de 2017One of the biggest misconceptions in the stormwater management industry is that all box structures are the same. This couldn’t be further from the ...
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¿Cuáles son los beneficios de mejorar mis eliminadores de gotas?
March 02, 2017That’s a good, and common, question. To answer it, we can run an example calculation, making a few assumptions: We will design our analysis ...
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