AccuVent® Attic Ventilation System
Brentwood’s AccuVent baffles for roof ventilation are designed to save energy for cleaner, greener living spaces. The dual function design creates ventilation channels under the roof sheathing for healthy air circulation while integral baffles prevent wind-washing. AccuVent offers a quick and inexpensive solution for architects, builders, and renovators to ensure proper insulation performance for better energy efficiency and indoor air quality.
AccuVent baffles are adaptable for any application, roof pitch, or truss size and install quickly and easily with just a few staples. They are manufactured from 100% recycled, flame-retardant PVC – a material that is compatible with all insulation types, including spray foam.

Flexible Solution

Efficient Airflow
Allowing air to flow in and out of the attic space protects roof shingles and prevents moisture buildup and mold growth, improving overall energy efficiency of the home.

Full Insulation Coverage
AccuVent allows insulation to be packed out over the top plate and keeps it in place, preventing the insulation from drifting into the soffit openings.

Quick & Easy Installation
Only one AccuVent unit is required per rafter of truss spacing. It is pre-perforated for easy adjustment and can be stapled in place with just 6-8 staples.

Ice Damming Prevention
By maintaining cool, steady attic temperatures, AccuVent works to prevent costly ice dams, which occur when ice and water are able to back up under roof shingles and seep into the attic.
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