Film Fills By Brentwood

Cross-Fluted Fills
Cross-fluted designs provide high thermal performance and have alternating fill sheets, allowing for excellent lateral water dispersion. High thermal performance is achieved by utilizing the engineered microstructure design.

Herringbone Fills
Herringbone fills take advantage of an engineered surface design to distribute water evenly over the entire fill area for high thermal performance. These fills are designed to replace OEM hanging fill sheets in crossflow cooling towers serving HVAC, light industrial, and other process cooling requirements.

Offset-Fluted Fills
Offset-fluted fills utilize the water dispersion feature of cross-fluted fills, while the majority of the water film travels in a vertical path, like vertical-fluted fills. This keeps the water-film velocity high and reduces fouling potential. By combining these characteristics, offset-fluted fills are able to achieve high thermal performance and low pressure drop.

Vertical-Fluted Fills
Vertical-fluted fills are designed to direct the water in a vertical path, and large flute openings produce the high water velocities necessary to create an anti-fouling environment.

Hybrid-Fluted Fills
Hybrid-fluted fills are a thermally engineered advancement to standard vertical-fluted products with the performance of high-efficiency fills. Their design features promote mixing of the air as it moves through the pack, maximizing evaporative heat transfer and exceeding the performance of cross-fluted fills, while incorporating the fouling resistance of vertical-fluted products.

Fill Supports
Brentwood’s cooling tower fill supports seamlessly integrate with existing cooling tower structures and are simple to install. Each component is engineered to provide adequate support while enhancing product performance and allowing maximum air and water flow.