an image showing an extreme close up of the MASSdek 80 Grid from Brentwood Industries

MASSdek® 250 HTE Structured Packing

Designed for use in applications where the highest mass transfer performance is required. This high capacity structured packing is made for clean applications and is suitable for absorptions and strippers where the highest removals are required and shorter column heights are desired.

Structured Packings At-A-Glance

+ = Fair +(+) = Fair to Good ++ = Good ++(+) = Better than good, not the best +++ = Best
Specifications table not found.
A quick and comprehensive overview of the MASSdek product line, along with recommended applications for each.

Metal Structured Packings At-A-Glance

+ = Fair +(+) = Fair to Good ++ = Good ++(+) = Better than good, not the best +++ = Best
Specifications table not found.
A quick and comprehensive overview of the MASSdek S Series, along with recommended applications for each.
Abstract image featuring a minimalist design of white and light gray geometric shapes. The background has a subtle gradient, creating a clean and modern aesthetic.