A wastewater treatment plant with cylindrical tanks, metal pipes, and railings hosts a person in protective gear managing the industrial equipment.

Trickling Filter

A time-tested technology, trickling filters offer a simple, cost-effective, energy-efficient treatment solution. With more than 500 trickling filter installations worldwide, Brentwood’s media and components have been optimized to guarantee the best performance for any application. By maximizing surface area in a given volume, Brentwood’s structured-sheet media provides an ideal environment for microorganism growth.

Brentwood media is rigorously tested for compression strength to ensure the structural integrity required for deep towers and demanding applications. Our dedication to quality and media performance is clear throughout Brentwood’s history with many installations in operation for over 20 years.


Trickling filter applications vary based on media selection. Brentwood offers a variety of structured-sheet, plastic media configurations with differing flow patterns and surface areas to meet site-specific treatment objectives: BOD roughing, BOD removal, nitrification, and combined BOD removal and nitrification.
Trickling Filter ClassificationWastewater StrengthEffluent QualityMedia Used
BOD Roughing
40-80% BOD Conversion
Vertical Flow or Mixed Media
BOD Removal
15-30 mg/L
Cross Flow Media with Large Flutes
BOD & Nitrification
BOD < 10 mg/L
NH3-N < 3 mg/L
Cross Flow Media with Medium Flutes
Extra Low
0.5-3 mg/L
Cross Flow Media with Small or Medium Flutes
Specifications table not found.

System Components

Cross Flow Media
Vertical Flow Media
AccuPier® Support System
AccuGrid® Bio-Grating
Cross Flow Media

By combining high surface area with a maximum number of mixing points per unit volume of media, cross flow media facilitates superior process performance across a wide range of hydraulic wetting rates. The cross-corrugated modules provide continuous and uniform horizontal distribution of both air and water throughout the full media depth.

Vertical Flow Media

Media is also available in vertical flow configurations, which can be combined with cross flow media for superior solids flushing. Vertical flow media allows a thinner biofilm to be retained and minimizes biomass accumulation.

AccuPier® Support System

Fixed-film media is elevated above the concrete tower floors with a corrosion-resistant support system that can be customized for any application and engineered to maximize ventilation and drainage.

AccuGrid® Bio-Grating

Interlocking panels provide a protective layer from foot traffic, hydraulic impact, and UV degradation on top of trickling filter media.

an image showing a close up of cross flow media an image showing a close up of vertical flow media A symmetrical arrangement of yellow metal grates supported by black posts, arranged in parallel rows around a large central gray pillar. an image showing accugrid bio grating in a trickly filter treatment system


Process Design
Pilot Testing
Startup & Operations Assistance
Process Design

Brentwood’s proprietary trickling filter models are developed based on industry-standard methodologies and carefully calibrated for each type of structured-sheet media. Our process assistance has supported hundreds of successful trickling filter installations worldwide and can be applied to preliminary design or existing process evaluation.

Pilot Testing

Our experienced engineers can develop pilot protocols, size the pilot equipment, and analyze performance data to help our clients optimize system design. Brentwood can supply either skid-mounted pilot units to your site, or we can send our mobile testing lab—equipped with advanced instrumentation and PLC control—to run full, sidestream pilot tests.

Startup & Operations Assistance

Brentwood’s systems and components are engineered not only for performance, but for ease of installation. With a dedicated team of site technicians who have assisted in over 500 installations, you can be assured that the system will run properly, and your employees will be educated and prepared to operate the system. Additionally, Brentwood’s process team is available for consultation throughout the lifetime of the trickling filter system to provide maintenance advice and to ensure continued performance results.

A laptop on a desk displaying data charts and diagrams related to treatment solutions on its screen. The open program appears to be for technical analysis or engineering, A large white truck trailer with "Brentwood" and "Mobile Testing Lab" written on the side, along with a blue logo featuring a water droplet and. Construction workers in safety gear, including reflective vests and hard hats, are handling large black plastic modular sections at a worksite. One worker stands nearby while another is on a platform beside two tall stacks of the sections.
Abstract image featuring a minimalist design of white and light gray geometric shapes. The background has a subtle gradient, creating a clean and modern aesthetic.
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A Partner You Can Trust

From the planning stage, to the manufacturing process, and through post-completion support—the experts at Brentwood are with you every step of the way. Complete the form below for more information about our Water & Wastewater treatment solutions.

    Trickling Filter Treatment Solutions