Categories: Cooling Tower.
The discussion on specifying a quality material can take up chapters of a book. Understanding the manufacturing processes involved as well as how the material properties affect a product’s performance can become overwhelming. It’s important that minimal requirements are specified in order to safeguard against possible underperforming products. One simple specification line that can be incorporated by any Owner or Engineer is:
“The cooling tower [fill media / drift eliminators] shall be manufactured from roll stock that produces a finished product with a nominal [8/10/15/20] mils after forming sheet thickness as measure by CTI STD-136. Material must meet all CTI STD-136 material properties after production and the manufacturer must submit test results to the owner prior to shipment of actual material utilized for the project with traceability back to raw material.”
By knowing these important nuances to cooling tower materials, requiring a quality product can bring added value and peace of mind that your cooling tower fill and drift eliminators will perform as expected and that the specified products will have a long service life.