Categories: Company News.
In early 2022, Brentwood proudly purchased the ENEXIO Water Technologies group of companies from Kelvion (acquisition announcement here). Since then, we’ve been working hard to align people, systems, and processes to create a unified Brentwood.
The entity in Germany, previously known as ENEXIO Water Technologies, GmbH (EWT), was legally renamed Brentwood Europe, GmbH, in June. And in September, our UK entity called 2H Water Technologies, Ltd. (2H), was renamed Brentwood Europe, Ltd.
The renaming of the entities is part of a larger strategy to end use of the EWT and 2H names in Brentwood’s business practices and communications by the end of 2023. The legal name changes are a final step in signaling to our customers and partners around the world that EWT and 2H are now officially part of the Brentwood family and bear the company’s name.
While these areas of our business may be operating under new names, you can continue to expect high-quality products, service, and support, working with the same contacts you always have.
We are currently working to integrate the EWT and 2H products and solutions into the Brentwood website. For now, please use the following links to access that content: https://www.enexio-water-technologies.com/ or https://www.2hwatertechnologies.co.uk/.